How to Determine the Sex of a Kitten

Many people think that determining the gender of a kitten is an intricate thing, especially about the newborn kitten, but there are some tricks available to do this task like an expert. Let’s find it out-

how to find the gender of a newborn kitten

How to Find Out the Gender of You Kitten

  • Try to wait for 3-4 weeks after the born of a kitten to find its sex at home, as it will be painful for a newborn to jolt for finding their gender, isn’t it!
  • After finding that the organs of kitten have reached a proper growth, and it is comfortable with your presence, gently hold it through its back or neck side to begin your validation process.
  • Now, put the kitten carefully on a clean towel or soft cloth by putting the belly side down over the cloth.
  • Then, gently lift the tail up and examine the genitals part of that kitten to verify the gender clearly.

holding a kitten finding howto determine the kitten boy or girl

  • Male and female both kittens have anus on their back exactly below the starting point of their tails, but anus hole of a female kitten is a bit different from the male ones.
  • Female kittens have vulva while the male kittens have a penis, which makes the difference absolutely apparent about their gender selection.
  • If you still a little confused by the tiny sizes of the genitalia of kittens then try to figure it out by the distance of their anus to their genital organs, as female kittens have smaller distance than the distance between the anus and genital organ of a young male kitten.

Video: How to Determine the whether your Kitten is a Boy or Girl