How to Train My Cat to Come

One of the primary training of a pet is to make him come to you when you call it, and it is not exceptional here as well. You have to teach your cat to respond to your calls and to instruct this important skill, you need to follow a few simple rules, let’s find out what they are-

Training My Cat to Come When I Call Him

  • At the initial stage of cat training, most of the kitties act frightful and they deny following your command due to their fear. Do not lose hope and start from the zero level, where you need to teach your cat to connect with its own name.
  • Remember that as soon as it could relate to its name, it will be more effortless to make him follow your command unquestionably.
  • Try to call your cat with its name every time you are going to give your cat food stuff.
  • After doing this process for 1-2 days repeatedly, it has been seen that most of the kitty could relate to their own name easily.
  • Now you need to show them a few small dominations like sit, lie, eat, drink, etc. gradually. We should make it obvious here that don’t try to be over dominating at the beginning and let your pet be comfortable with your commands.
  • Try to make your pet happy with a tasty treat, whenever it follows your command properly, this will instigate them more to listen to their master.
  • Now it’s time for the final leash training to teach them the last but the most important rule of the house that he or she should come to you immediately when you call him by its name.
  • In this segment, you need to take your cat on the leash and hold the grip slightly with mild hand.
  • Now, call the name of your cat and loosely drag its neck towards you to make your cat compel to come near you. Practice this same thing constantly for a few days to make your cat understand about the responding skill.
  • After this, keep losing the leash day after day and let it come to you from distended locations in every single practice session.
  • Don’t forget to give your cat pleasant treats like their favorite food items or plating stuff, whenever it’s following the command properly.
  • Now all you need is just keep practicing this method repeatedly for some days and reward your pet every single day of this training.

One more thing we should mention here that make sure your cat will get rewarded or benefited every time it listen to your command, and be certain that you never make him or her compel for something when it comes to your by your call. This will bring negativity about their master’s call and they will never listen to you properly with your primary calls!

Using a Cue Word and Training your Cat to Come When Called